Friday, 5 June 2009

Embedded movies in online presentations with Inkscape and JessyInk

I was watching a screencast by heathenx recently (Episode 86 on, about creating presentations that run in your browser using Inkscape and JessyInk. At about the same time I was looking into html5 embedded video (thanks to the GoogleIO html5 demos). Then I noticed a blog post by bluish coder about embedding html5 video in svg files. This all collided in my head, and I thought: "hey, I can use this to embed movies in JessyInk presentations". So that's exactly what I've done.

The final product is a presentation in Inkscape svg, using JessyInk with an embedded movie from It also doubles up as a rough tutorial on the technique I used to embed the movie. To actually be able to see the movie you'll need an HTML5 enabled browser such as Firefox 3.5 beta 4 (that's the only one I've tested it with). Enjoy....